

india states django choices

state_choices = (("Andhra Pradesh","Andhra Pradesh"),("Arunachal Pradesh ","Arunachal Pradesh "),("Assam","Assam"),("Bihar","Bihar"),("Chhattisgarh","Chhattisgarh"),("Goa","Goa"),("Gujarat","Gujarat"),("Haryana","Haryana"),("Himachal Pradesh","Himachal Pradesh"),("Jammu and Kashmir ","Jammu and Kashmir "),("Jharkhand","Jharkhand"),("Karnataka","Karnataka"),("Kerala","Kerala"),("Madhya Pradesh","Madhya Pradesh"),("Maharashtra","Maharashtra"),("Manipur","Manipur"),("Meghalaya","Meghalaya"),("Mizoram","Mizoram"),("Nagaland","Nagaland"),("Odisha","Odisha"),("Punjab","Punjab"),("Rajasthan","Rajasthan"),("Sikkim","Sikkim"),("Tamil Nadu","Tamil Nadu"),("Telangana","Telangana"),("Tripura","Tripura"),("Uttar Pradesh","Uttar Pradesh"),("Uttarakhand","Uttarakhand"),("West Bengal","West Bengal"),("Andaman and Nicobar Islands","Andaman and Nicobar Islands"),("Chandigarh","Chandigarh"),("Dadra and Nagar Haveli","Dadra and Nagar Haveli"),("Daman and Diu","Daman and Diu"),("Lakshadweep","Lakshadweep"),("National Capital Territory of Delhi","National Capital Territory of Delhi"),("Puducherry","Puducherry"))

state = models.CharField(choices=state_choices,max_length=255, null=True, blank=True)

Code Example
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