

loop in coding 1.2

def start():
    print ("Welcome to the converter toolkit made by Alan.")

    while True:
        op = input ("Please input what operation you wish to perform. 1 for Fahrenheit to Celsius, 2 for meters to centimetres and 3 for megabytes to gigabytes")

        if op == "1":
            f1 = input ("Please enter your fahrenheit temperature: ")
            f1 = int(f1)

            a1 = (f1 - 32) / 1.8
            a1 = str(a1)

            print (a1+" celsius") 

        elif op == "2":
            m1 = input ("Please input your the amount of meters you wish to convert: ")
            m1 = int(m1)
            m2 = (m1 * 100)

            m2 = str(m2)
            print (m2+" m")

        if op == "3":
            mb1 = input ("Please input the amount of megabytes you want to convert")
            mb1 = int(mb1)
            mb2 = (mb1 / 1024)
            mb3 = (mb2 / 1024)

            mb3 = str(mb3)

            print (mb3+" GB")

            print ("Sorry, that was an invalid command!")

Code Example
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Source link
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