

Make tkinter window look less blury

On some windows displays, tkinter windows will look blurried.
Add the folloing code at the start of your code to fix it

from ctypes import windll #You may want to read up the docs
windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(True) #Set high dpi to True

Code Example
Python :: pandas dataframe column rename 
Python :: use sqlalchemy to create sqlite3 database 
Python :: strftime python 
Python :: rvec tvec ros message 
Python :: Need Clang = 7 to compile Filament from source 
Python :: python zip listas diferente tamaño 
Python :: python Split a file path into root and extension 
Python :: resample and replace with mean in python 
Python :: for idx, col_name in enumerate(X_train.columns): print("The coefficient for {} is {}".format(file_name, regression_model.coef_[0][idx])) 
Python :: prekladac 
Python :: pickle save 
Python :: how to set the location on a pygame window 
Python :: reverse one hot encoding python numpy 
Python :: matplotlib transparency 
Python :: how to make a bot say hello <username when a user says hello in discord with python 
Python :: apple 
Python :: neural network without training return same output with random weight 
Python :: python: separate lines including the period or excalamtion mark and print it to the prompt.. 
Python :: generate 12 random numbers python 
Python :: numpy identity matrix 
Python :: python json to dict and back 
Python :: django admin table columns wrap text into multiple lines django 
Python :: count how many vowels in a string python 
Python :: list python shuffling 
Python :: pandas decimal places 
Python :: gdscript 2d movement 
Python :: convert string to operator python 
Python :: python os is directory 
Python :: split imagedatagenerator into x_train and y_train 
Python :: print all values of dictionary 
Source link
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