

no exception message supplied django template


django-admin compilemessages
#Compiles .po files created by makemessages to .mo files for use with the built-in gettext support. See Internationalization and localization.

--locale LOCALE, -l LOCALE
#Specifies the locale(s) to process. If not provided, all locales are processed.

--exclude EXCLUDE, -x EXCLUDE
#Specifies the locale(s) to exclude from processing. If not provided, no locales are excluded.

--use-fuzzy, -f
#Includes fuzzy translations into compiled files.

Example usage:

django-admin compilemessages --locale=pt_BR
django-admin compilemessages --locale=pt_BR --locale=fr -f
django-admin compilemessages -l pt_BR
django-admin compilemessages -l pt_BR -l fr --use-fuzzy
django-admin compilemessages --exclude=pt_BR
django-admin compilemessages --exclude=pt_BR --exclude=fr
django-admin compilemessages -x pt_BR
django-admin compilemessages -x pt_BR -x fr

--ignore PATTERN, -i PATTERN
#Ignores directories matching the given glob-style pattern. Use multiple times to ignore more.

Example usage:

django-admin compilemessages --ignore=cache --ignore=outdated/*/locale

Code Example
Python :: minio python make an object 
Python :: matplotlib yaxis off 
Python :: python toupls 
Python :: python np array get dimantion 
Python :: ski learn decision tree 
Python :: iterate over rows in numpy matrix python 
Python :: speech to text function in python 
Python :: pyton count senteses in a text file 
Python :: cv2.imwrite path 
Python :: keras backend matrix multiplication 
Python :: python add new key to dictionary 
Python :: new print on the same line substitution python 3 
Python :: pandas append sheet to workbook 
Python :: python open file check error 
Python :: rank function in pandas 
Python :: jacobi iteration method python 
Python :: management command in django 
Python :: tkinter insert value box 
Python :: qt designer python 
Python :: warnings.warn("DateTimeField %s received a naive datetime (%s)" 
Python :: list in python 3 
Python :: python game github 
Python :: os module 
Python :: geopandas replace column name 
Python :: python colored text in console 
Python :: plot circles in matplotlib 
Python :: python using end keyword 
Python :: how can I convert dataframe to list with in python without changing its datatype? 
Python :: correlation meaning 
Python :: pandas series map 
Source link
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