

null=true django

null=True sets NULL (versus NOT NULL) on the column in your DB. 
Blank values for Django field types such as DateTimeField or 
ForeignKey will be stored as NULL in the DB.

blank determines whether the field will be required in forms. 
This includes the admin and your custom forms. 
If blank=True then the field will not be required, 
whereas if it's False the field cannot be blank.

Code Example
Python :: matplotlib ax.annotate color of the arrow 
Python :: find rules of decision tree python 
Python :: menu with icons tkinter 
Python :: Python Add/Change List Elements 
Python :: check file existtnece python 
Python :: how to change the main diagonal in pandas 
Python :: cmap perlin noise python 
Python :: select inverse with conditions pandas 
Python :: how to make input box if else statement in tkinter 
Python :: how to make a histogram with plotly for a single variable 
Python :: how to append to an empty dataframe pandas 
Python :: logistic regression python family binomial 
Python :: python cast number to between 0 and 1 
Python :: Python how to use __floordiv__ 
Python :: python float to int 
Python :: python defaultdict default value 
Python :: spacy create tokenizer 
Python :: how to create image folder in numpy aray 
Python :: python ascii() 
Python :: django migrate 
Python :: django query string route 
Python :: can i call a python script from a function 
Python :: python set to none 
Python :: random list 
Python :: scapy get packet source ip address python 
Python :: most occurring element in array python 
Python :: python infinite l00p 
Python :: python bot ban script 
Python :: scrape pdf out of link 
Python :: python filter list 
Source link
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