

open weather get local time python

const obj = {
  dt: 1592155233,
  id: 2643743,
  main: {
    temp: 71.8,
    feels_like: 66.69,
    temp_min: 71.01,
    temp_max: 73,
    pressure: 1014,
  name: "London",
  sys: {
    type: 1,
    id: 1414,
    country: "GB",
    sunrise: 1592106173,
    sunset: 1592165939
  timezone: 3600
console.log(new Date(obj.dt*1000-(obj.timezone*1000))); // minus 
console.log(new Date(obj.dt*1000+(obj.timezone*1000))); // plus
 Run code snippet

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