defmy_func(a =1, b =2, c =3):print(a + b + c)
my_func()#OUTPUT = 6
my_func(2)#This changes the value of a to 2#OUTPUT = 7
my_func(c =2)#This changes the value of c to 2#OUTPUT = 5
defmyfunc(a,b,*args,**kwargs):for ar in args:print ar
myfunc(a,b,c,d,e,f)#prints values of c,d,e,fdefmyfunc(a,b,*args,**kwargs):
c = kwargs.get('c',None)#test if 'c' defined
d = kwargs.get('d',None)#otherwise, return None#etc
myfunc(a,b, c='nick', d='dog',...)#kwargs = dict of all the parameters that are key valued after a,b
#set the variable = to None, and then write over none if there the argument #is used.asyncdefjoke(ctx, args=None):if args ==None:await ctx.send('you :D')else:await ctx.send('%s is the true joke'% args)