

program to print areas in python

# define a function for calculating
# the area of a shapes
def calculate_area(name):
  # converting all characters
  # into lower cases
  name = name.lower()
  # check for the conditions
  if name == "rectangle":
    l = int(input("Enter rectangle's length: "))
    b = int(input("Enter rectangle's breadth: "))
    # calculate area of rectangle
    rect_area = l * b
    print(f"The area of rectangle is
  elif name == "square":
    s = int(input("Enter square's side length: "))
    # calculate area of square
    sqt_area = s * s
    print(f"The area of square is
  elif name == "triangle":
    h = int(input("Enter triangle's height length: "))
    b = int(input("Enter triangle's breadth length: "))
    # calculate area of triangle
    tri_area = 0.5 * b * h
    print(f"The area of triangle is
  elif name == "circle":
    r = int(input("Enter circle's radius length: "))
    pi = 3.14
    # calculate area of circle
    circ_area = pi * r * r
    print(f"The area of circle is
  elif name == 'parallelogram':
    b = int(input("Enter parallelogram's base length: "))
    h = int(input("Enter parallelogram's height length: "))
    # calculate area of parallelogram
    para_area = b * h
    print(f"The area of parallelogram is
    print("Sorry! This shape is not available")
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
  print("Calculate Shape Area")
  shape_name = input("Enter the name of shape whose area you want to find: ")
  # function calling

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