

python check for exception

try: # put here the code that you expect to error 
  # code
except ValueError: # if you want to catch a ValueError
  # NOTE: you CANNOT catch a syntax error 
  # (UNLESS you are trying to execute code from a string with eval())
  # code if python caught the exception
except NameError: # you can catch multiple types of errors!
  # TIP: you can leave the error type blank to make python catch all types of errors!
  # code if another exception is caught (this is pretty much a modified if statement)
else: # if no error has been caught do the following:
  # code if no exception has been caught

python if something exception

# Simple example on how to throw an exception if value has a certain value!
x = 10
if x > 5:
    raise Exception('x should not exceed 5. The value of x was: {}'.format(x))

Code Example
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Source link
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