

python datetime into 12-hour format


#9. Python program to convert time from 12 hour to 24 hour format

# Python program to convert time
# from 12 hour to 24 hour format
# Function to convert the date format
def convert24(str1):
    # Checking if last two elements of time
    # is AM and first two elements are 12
    if str1[-2:] == "AM" and str1[:2] == "12":
        return "00" + str1[2:-2]
    # remove the AM    
    elif str1[-2:] == "AM":
        return str1[:-2]
    # Checking if last two elements of time
    # is PM and first two elements are 12
    elif str1[-2:] == "PM" and str1[:2] == "12":
        return str1[:-2]
        # add 12 to hours and remove PM
        return str(int(str1[:2]) + 12) + str1[2:8]
# Driver Code        
print(convert24("08:05:45 PM"))

Code Example
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