im ='image.gif')
rgb_im = im.convert('RGB')
r, g, b = rgb_im.getpixel((1, 1))
print(r, g, b)
(65, 100, 137)
Code Example |
:: pandas count number of rows with value |
Python :: stop procedure python |
Python :: numpy mean |
:: |
:: python print error output |
:: Week of the year Pandas |
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Python :: create dict from two lists |
Python :: timer in python |
:: |
Python :: jupyter notebook not working |
:: time difference between two datetime.time |
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Python :: |
Python :: |
Python :: |
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:: how to change int to four decimal places in python |
Python :: |
Python :: |
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Python :: numpy create array with values in range |
Python :: |
Python :: |
Python :: how to find lcm of 2 numbers in python |
Python :: check file existence python |
Python :: How to Adjust Title Position in Matplotlib |
Python :: fill a column based on values in another column pandas |