#Exercise 3 - Find the largest and smallest number in a list
thislist =input("How many numbers do you want to enter:")
newlist =[]for x inrange(0,int(thislist)):
owl =int(input("Please Enter your numbers:"))
newlist.append(owl)print("The max number entered is:",max(newlist))print("The min number entered is:",min(newlist))
thislist =[677,8765,8765,876,470,754,6784,56789,7658,]
thislist.sort()print("The smallest number is: "+str(thislist[0]))print("The largest number is: "+str(thislist[-1]))
# Python program to find smallest# number in a list# creating empty list
list1 =[]# asking number of elements to put in list
num =int(input("Enter number of elements in list: "))# iterating till num to append elements in listfor i inrange(1, num +1):
ele=int(input("Enter elements: "))
list1.append(ele)# print maximum elementprint("Smallest element is:",min(list1))
Python | Largest, Smallest, Second Largest, Second Smallest in a List
# Python prog to illustrate the following in a listdeffind_len(list1):
length =len(list1)
list1.sort()print("Largest element is:", list1[length-1])print("Smallest element is:", list1[0])print("Second Largest element is:", list1[length-2])print("Second Smallest element is:", list1[1])# Driver Code
Largest = find_len(list1)
# Python program to find smallest# number in a list# list of numbers
list1 =[10,20,4,45,99]# sorting the list
list1.sort()# printing the first elementprint("Smallest element is:",*list1[:1])
# Finding the largest or smallest N items using heapqimport heapq
nums =[1,8,2,23,7,-4,19,23,42,38,2]print(heapq.nlargest(3, nums))# 3 largest value print(heapq.nsmallest(3, nums))# 3 smallest value
portfolio =[{'name':'IBM','shares':100,'price':91.1},{'name':'AAPL','shares':50,'price':543.22},{'name':'FB','shares':200,'price':21.09},{'name':'HPQ','shares':35,'price':31.75},{'name':'YHOO','shares':45,'price':16.35},{'name':'ACME','shares':75,'price':115.65}]
cheap = heapq.nsmallest(3, portfolio, key=lambda s: s['price'])
expensive = heapq.nlargest(3, portfolio, key=lambda s: s['price'])