

python find in list

# There is several possible ways if "finding" things in lists.
'Checking if something is inside'
3 in [1, 2, 3] # => True
'Filtering a collection'
matches = [x for x in lst if fulfills_some_condition(x)]
matches = filter(fulfills_some_condition, lst)
matches = (x for x in lst if x > 6)
'Finding the first occurrence'
next(x for x in lst if ...)
next((x for x in lst if ...), [default value])
'Finding the location of an item'
[1,2,3].index(2) # => 1
[1,2,3,2].index(2) # => 1
[1,2,3].index(4) # => ValueError
[i for i,x in enumerate([1,2,3,2]) if x==2] # => [1, 3]

python list find

3 in [1, 2, 3] # => True

Code Example
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Source link
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