

Python message popup

import ctypes
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(button_style*, "Your text", "Your title", icon_stylle)

## Button styles:
# 0 : OK
# 1 : OK | Cancel
# 2 : Abort | Retry | Ignore
# 3 : Yes | No | Cancel
# 4 : Yes | No
# 5 : Retry | No 
# 6 : Cancel | Try Again | Continue

## Icon styles
# 16 Stop-sign icon
# 32 Question-mark icon
# 48 Exclamation-point icon
# 64 Information-sign icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle

Code Example
Python :: clean consol python 
Python :: change the number in 3rd line to get factorial for the number you want. Ex: num = 30 
Python :: to_cvs python 
Python :: python set workdir 
Python :: change the side of the axis plt python 
Python :: example of ternary operator in python 
Python :: legend for pie chart matplotlib 
Python :: python replace with something else 
Python :: python get numbers after decimal point 
Python :: python if elif else 
Python :: what is kernel_initializer 
Python :: concat dataframe pandas 
Python :: check for string in list py 
Python :: adding debugger in django code 
Python :: task timed out after 3.00 seconds aws lambda python 
Python :: how to set numerecal index in pandas 
Python :: weighted average in python pandas 
Python :: defaultdict initialize keys 
Python :: pyspark add_months 
Python :: get all different element of both list python 
Python :: how to run loops 3 times in python 
Python :: python get third friday of the month 
Python :: random letters generator python 
Python :: python function docstring 
Python :: python bisect 
Python :: How to develop a UDP echo client? 
Python :: terminal commands for install python on cpanel 
Python :: how to change value of categorical variable in python 
Python :: pandas parallelize for loop 
Python :: how to scale an array between two values python 
Source link
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