take off character in python string
s = 'abc12321cba'
print ( s. replace( 'a' , '' ) )
remove a char in a string python
s = 'abc12321cba'
print ( s. replace( 'a' , '' ) )
= > s
out: bc12321cb
remove a char in a string python
s = "aabbcadcba"
print ( s. replace( "a" , "" , 1 )
out - > abbcadcba
print ( s. replace( "a" , "" )
out - > bbcdcb
delete certain characters from a string python
for char in line:
if char in " ?.!/;:" :
line. replace( char, '' )
how to remove some characters from a string in python
import re
inputt = input ( )
line = re. sub( '[ie]' , '' , inputt)
print ( line)
how to remove a letter from a string python
varible. replace( letter, "" )
s = "Hello World"
print ( s. replace( 'e' , "" ) )
python remove one character from a string
string. replace( old character, new character, count)
how to find and remove certain characters from text string in python
a_string = "addbdcd"
a_string = a_string. replace( "d" , "" )
print ( a_string)
Python Remove a character from a string
text= 'ItsMyCoode'
print ( text. replace( 'o' , '' , 1 ) )
how to completely remove a character from string in python
s = "Fuuad"
res = s. replace( 'u' , '' , 1 )
print ( res)
python remove specific character from string
s= "Hello$ Python3$" s1= s. replace( "$" , "" , 1 ) print ( s1)
python remove character from string
str1 = "abcdefghij"
list1 = list ( str1)
print ( list1)
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