#the number is how many times you want to loopfor i inrange(number):#here where you put your looping code#for examplefor i inrange(4):print(Hello World)print(Hi World)#output
Hello World
Hi World
Hello World
Hi World
Hello World
Hi World
Hello World
Hi World
#check out more:https://www.askpython.com
#From a minimum (inclusive) to maximum (exclusive).#Minimum is 0 unless otherwise specifiedfor i inrange(4)print(i)#0, 1, 2, 3for i inrange(2,4)print(i)#2, 3for i inrange(1,7,2):print(i)#1, 3, 5
# how to use for in python for (range, lists)
fruits =["pineapple","apple","banana","cherry"]for x in fruits:if x =="apple":continueif x =="banana":breakprint(x)# fron 2 to 30 by 3 stepfor x inrange(2,30,3):print(x)
# Planet list#twitter ----------->: @MasudHanif_# Happy Coding..
planet =["Mercury","Venus","Earth","Mars","Jupiter","Saturn","Uranus","Neptune"]for planets in planet:print(f"{planets} from solar system")
# if you want to get items and index at the same time,# use enumerate
fruits =['Apple','Banana','Orange']for indx, fruit inenumerate(fruits):print(fruit,'index:', indx)
A for loop iterates through an iterable, may that be an array, a string,or a range of numbers
myArr =["string 1","string 2"]for x in myArr:print(x)#Returns "string 1", "string 2". In here the x is an iterator and does not need to be defined.
# Python for loopfor i inrange(1,101):# i is automatically equals to 0 if has no mention before# range(1, 101) is making the loop 100 times (range(1, 151) will make it to loop 150 times)print(i)# prints the number of i (equals to the loop number)for x in[1,2,3,4,5]:# it will loop the length of the list (in that case 5 times)print(x)# prints the item in the index of the list that the loop is currently on
# For loop where the index and value are needed for some operation# Standard for loop to get index and value
values =['a','b','c','d','e']print('For loop using range(len())')for i inrange(len(values)):print(i, values[i])# For loop with enumerate# Provides a cleaner syntaxprint('
For loop using builtin enumerate():')for i, value inenumerate(values):print(i, value)# Results previous for loops:# 0, a# 1, b# 2, c# 3, d# 4, e# For loop with enumerate returning index and value as a tupleprint('
Alternate method of using the for loop with builtin enumerate():')for index_value inenumerate(values):print(index_value)# Results for index_value for loop:# (0, 'a')# (1, 'b')# (2, 'c')# (3, 'd')# (4, 'e')
for i in[1,3,5,54,5683]:print(i+1)#This is a simple program which prints the #successor of all numbers in the list.#Loops are amazing! Here, 'i' is an#iteration variable which means it changes#with every next step on to the loop!#so i is 1 at one point and 3 in the next!#You can learn more @ https://python.org#:)
# Program to find the sum of all numbers stored in a list# List of numbers
numbers =[6,5,3,8,4,2,5,4,11]# variable to store the sumsum=0# iterate over the listfor val in numbers:sum=sum+val
print("The sum is",sum)
# Range:for x inrange(5):print(x)# prints 0,1,2,3,4# Lists:
letters =['a','b','c']for letter in letters:print(letter)# prints a, b, c# Dictionaries:
letters ={'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}for letter, num in letters.items():print(letter, num)# prints a 1, b 2, c 3
num =input("Pls Enter your Nikname (alphabetnumbric)</>: ");
count=0for n in num :if n>="0"and n<="9":
count+=1print("number of digit in text :",count)
# a 'while' loop runs until the condition is broken
a ="apple"while a =="apple":
a ="banana"# breaks loop as 'a' no longer equals 'apple'# a 'for' loop runs for the given number of iterations...for i inrange(10):print(i)# will print 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9# ... or through a sequence
array =[3,6,8,2,1]for number in array:print(number)# will print 3, 6, 8, 2, 1
iteration_number =10# can be any amount or how many times you want to iteratefor iteration inrange(iteration_number):# how many iterations - iteration_number variableprint(iteration)
print(" Welcome to the 100 game
")print("To start the game you have to enter a number between 1 to 10")print("To end the game you have to reach the number 100")print("First one reach 100 win
")print("Good luck
nums =0# Display numbersdefdisplay_state():global nums
print("100/",nums)# Get number the player wants to playdefget_input(player):
valid =Falsewhilenot valid:# Repeat until a valid move is entered
message = player +" player please enter the number between 1 and 10: "
move =input(message)# Get move as stringif move.isdigit():# If move is a number
move =int(move)# can take 1-10 number onlyif move inrange(1,11)and nums + move <=100:
valid =Truereturn move
# Update numbers after the movedefupdate_state(nums_taken):global nums
nums += nums_taken
# Check if he/she is taking the last move and losesdefis_win():global nums
if nums >99:returnTrue# define the 100 gamedefplay__100_game():
display_state()while(True):# Repeat till one of them loses
first = get_input("First")
display_state()# Display new numbersif(is_win()):print("First player won")break
second = get_input("Second")
display_state()if(is_win()):print("Second player won")break
for i inrange(amount of times in intager form):#do stuffprint(i)# you could use i as a variable. You could set it as u, ool, or anything you want. No blancs tho.# i will be the amount of times the loop has been ran. You the first lap it will be 0, the second lap it will be 1. You get it.
data =[34,56,78,23]sum=0# for loop is to iterate and do same operation again an again# "in" is identity operator which is used to check weather data is present or notfor i in data:sum+=i
for _ inrange(1,10,2):#(initial,final but not included, gap) (the "_" underscore symbol mean there are no variables initialize in this loop)print("hi");
# There are 2 types of loops in python# while loops and for loops# a while loops continues for an indefinite amount of time# until a condition is met:
x =0
y =3while x < y:print(x)
x = x +1>>>0>>>1>>>2# The number of iterations (loops) that the while loop above# performs is dependent on the value of y and can therefore change####################################################################### below is the equivalent for loop:for i inrange(0,3):print(i)>>>0>>>1>>>2# The for loop above is a definite loop which means that it will always# loop three times (because of the range I have set)# notice that the loop begins at 0 and goes up to one less than 3.
stop_word ='stop'
data =None
inputs =[]while data != stop_word:
data =raw_input('please enter something')
inputs.append(data)print inputs
for item in["a","b","c"]:for i inrange(4):# 0 to 3for i inrange(4,8):# 4 to 7for i inrange(1,9,2):# 1, 3, 5, 7for key, val indict.items():for index, item inenumerate(list):
print(" Welcome to the 100 game
")print("To start the game you have to enter a number between 1 to 10")print("To end the game you have to reach the number 100")print("First one reach 100 win
")print("Good luck
nums =0# Display numbersdefdisplay_state():global nums
print("100/",nums)# Get number the player wants to playdefget_input(player):
valid =Falsewhilenot valid:# Repeat until a valid move is entered
message = player +" player please enter the number between 1 and 10: "
move =input(message)# Get move as stringif move.isdigit():# If move is a number
move =int(move)# can take 1-10 number onlyif move inrange(1,11)and nums + move <=100:
valid =Truereturn move
# Update numbers after the movedefupdate_state(nums_taken):global nums
nums += nums_taken
# Check if he/she is taking the last move and losesdefis_win():global nums
if nums >99:returnTrue# define the 100 gamedefplay__100_game():
display_state()while(True):# Repeat till one of them loses
first = get_input("First")
display_state()# Display new numbersif(is_win()):print("First player won")break
second = get_input("Second")
display_state()if(is_win()):print("Second player won")break