

text splitter for nlp

def text_splitter(t):
    t = re.sub(r'[^ws]','',text)
    data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['text','output'])
    for i in range(len(t.split())):
        text = ' '.join(t.split()[0:i+1])
        temp_text = ' '.join(t.split()[i+1:])
        for k in range(len(temp_text.split())):
            output = ' '.join(temp_text.split()[:k+1])
    #         print(text,'----',output)
            data = data.append({'text':text, 'output':output}, ignore_index=True)
    return data
t = 'How do I reset a password in windows'

text	output
0	How	do
1	How	do I
2	How	do I reset
3	How	do I reset a
4	How	do I reset a password
5	How	do I reset a password in
6	How	do I reset a password in windows
7	How do	I
8	How do	I reset
9	How do	I reset a
10	How do	I reset a password
11	How do	I reset a password in
12	How do	I reset a password in windows
13	How do I	reset
14	How do I	reset a
15	How do I	reset a password
16	How do I	reset a password in
17	How do I	reset a password in windows
18	How do I reset	a
19	How do I reset	a password
20	How do I reset	a password in
21	How do I reset	a password in windows
22	How do I reset a	password
23	How do I reset a	password in
24	How do I reset a	password in windows
25	How do I reset a password	in
26	How do I reset a password	in windows
27	How do I reset a password in	windows

Code Example
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Source link
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