<% @user.tasks.each do |task| %>
<%= link_to "delete #{task.name}", user_delete_task_path(@user, task_id: task.id), method: :post %>
<% end %>
# => create params[:task_id]
Code Example |
Ruby :: arel_table rails |
Ruby :: Rails is not defined |
Ruby :: grails 3 cron jobs |
Ruby :: true sting to true in rails |
Ruby :: ruby raise to power |
Ruby :: rails retrieve database.yml |
Ruby :: ruby string to boolean |
Ruby :: string ruby |
Ruby :: ruby if statement multiple conditions |
Ruby :: ruby rails migrate check status |
Ruby :: invalid byte sequence in utf-8 ruby |
Ruby :: rails |
Ruby :: online ruby compiler |
Ruby :: chop! ruby |
Ruby :: ruby nth element of array |
Ruby :: rails faker address |
Ruby :: ruby on rails recover data in params with form tag |
Ruby :: rails date field default today |
Ruby :: rails migration error |
Ruby :: inverse of in rails |
Ruby :: rails group every 10 items in array |
Ruby :: ruby-on-rails |
R :: harmonic mean in r |
R :: r dataframe filter endswith |
R :: r dataframe column factor |
R :: grid.arrange |
R :: r merge columns |
R :: repeat each value in a vector in r |
R :: r first row by group |
R :: r delete rowif number higher than |