


which parts of your code on different threads will run. This can lead to problems, such as:

Race conditions, where threads are accessing data or resources in an inconsistent order
Deadlocks, where two threads are waiting for each other to finish using a resource the other thread has, preventing both threads from continuing
Bugs that happen only in certain situations and are hard to reproduce and fix reliably

{Programming languages implement threads in a few different ways:
APIs to create threads is sometimes called 1:1, meaning one operating system thread per one language thread.
the green-threaded model is called the M:N model: there are M green threads per N operating system threads, where M and N are not necessarily the same number.
The green-threading M:N model requires a larger language runtime to manage threads.
As such, the Rust standard library only provides an implementation of 1:1 threading.
Because Rust is such a low-level language, there are crates that implement M:N threading if you would rather trade overhead for aspects such as more control over which threads run when and lower costs of context switching, for example.
Blocking a thread means that thread is prevented from performing work or exiting.
you can divide a calculation into independent parts, split those parts across threads, and then use a Mutex<T> to have each thread update the final result with its part.


Using Message Passing to Transfer Data Between Threads:
Here’s the idea in a slogan from the Go language documentation:Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating.One major tool Rust has for accomplishing message-sending concurrency is the channel,
A channel in programming has two halves: a transmitter and a receiver. 
A channel is said to be closed if either the transmitter or receiver half is dropped.
We create a new channel using the mpsc::channel function; mpsc stands for multiple producer, single consumer. In short, the way Rust’s standard library implements channels means a channel can have multiple sending ends that produce values but only one receiving end that consumes those values


Priority Performance:

calling join() is similar to spawning two threads.
execute code in parallel when there are idle CPUs to handle it.
When join is called from outside the thread pool, the calling thread will block while the closures execute in the pool. When join is called within the pool, the calling thread still actively participates in the thread pool. It will begin by executing closure A (on the current thread). While it is doing that, it will advertise closure B as being available for other threads to execute. Once closure A has completed, the current thread will try to execute closure B; if however closure B has been stolen, then it will look for other work while waiting for the thief to fully execute closure B. (This is the typical work-stealing strategy).
Send is require because we have jump from quick func(thread a) to part func(thread b) frequently

Atomic types provide primitive shared-memory communication between threads, and are the building blocks of other concurrent types.
This module defines atomic versions of a select number of primitive types, including AtomicBool, AtomicIsize, AtomicUsize, AtomicI8, AtomicU16, etc. Atomic types present operations that, when used correctly, synchronize updates between threads.
Each method takes an Ordering which represents the strength of the memory barrier for that operation. These orderings are the same as the C++20 atomic orderings. For more information see the nomicon.
Atomic variables are safe to share between threads (they implement Sync) but they do not themselves provide the mechanism for sharing and follow the threading model of Rust. The most common way to share an atomic variable is to put it into an Arc (an atomically-reference-counted shared pointer).
Atomic types may be stored in static variables, initialized using the constant initializers like AtomicBool::new. Atomic statics are often used for lazy global initialization.

also known as busy loop and spin loop-If you want to sleep pause a thread for short amounts of time, or if your application is sensitive to timing, use a spin loop

A sleep is a request to the OS that the thread should be suspended until the time has passed

Code Example
Rust :: rust sort vec of f64 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•concept•dst•or•unsizedtype 
Rust :: how to get text from a file and store it in a variable rust 
Rust :: rust currying, preset some arguments 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•thread•spawning 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•binding•match 
Rust :: how to check if a thing is in a vector in rust 
Rust :: reverse a string with runes 
Rust :: rust hashset 
Lua :: roblox studio teleport on touch 
Lua :: repeating loop roblox 
Lua :: luau region 
Lua :: roblox __index and __newindex 
Lua :: roblox loop all players 
Lua :: luau table.find 
Lua :: dictionnary lua 
Lua :: lua list append 
Lua :: lua get time 
Lua :: roblox camera manipulation 
Lua :: lua comments 
Lua :: draw circle love2d 
Lua :: lua to integer 
Lua :: pico8 poke 
Lua :: roblox lua 
Matlab :: dat file in matlab 
Matlab :: matlab what comes instead of drawmode 
Basic :: virtualbox 256 vram 
Elixir :: for loop in elixir 
Elixir :: phoenix ecto preload 
Scala :: Scala methods 
Source link
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