


 wrapper type = reference-counted value = shared ownership =track valid references.
 use wrapper types, which allow more flexibility than what is available by default. These, however, incur costs at runtime to ensure that Rust’s safety guarantees are maintained. Another way to phrase this is that Rust allows programmers to opt in to garbage collection
 To explain the wrapper type strategy, let’s introduce a wrapper type: std:rc::Rc. std:rc::Rc takes a type parameter T and is typically referred to as Rc<T>. Rc<T> reads asR. C. of T” and stands for “a reference-counted value of type T.Rc<T> provides shared ownership of T. Shared ownership prevents T from being removed from memory until every owner is removed.

As indicated by the name, reference counting is used to track valid references. As each reference is created, an internal counter increases by one. When a reference is dropped, the count decreases by one. When the count hits zero, T is also dropped.
Rc<T> implements Clone. Every call to base.clone() increments an internal counter. Every Drop decrements that counter. When the internal counter reaches zero, the original instance is freed.


Rc<T> does not allow mutation. To permit that, we need to wrap our wrapper. Rc<RefCell<T>> is a type that can be used to perform interior mutability . An object that has interior mutability presents an immutable façade while internal values are being modified.
Rc<T> is not thread-safe. In multithreaded code, it’s much better to replace Rc<T> with Arc<T> and Rc<RefCell<T>> with Arc<Mutex<T>>. Arc stands for atomic reference counter.

Code Example
Rust :: rust enter number from keyboard / stdin 
Rust :: packet sniffing with rust 
Rust :: Find the next smaller positive integer containing the same digits 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•error•E0277•the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•orphan•rule 
Rust :: rust named tuple 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•mem•deallocating 
Rust :: declare an array with signle value Rust 
Rust :: Counting bits Kernighan style 
Rust :: rust•armanriazi•borrowchecker•ownership 
Rust :: rust the size for values of type `str` cannot be known at compilation time the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `str` 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•binding•match 
Rust :: create a rust project Inside the folder 
Rust :: sort a vector rust 
Lua :: get all players roblox 
Lua :: luau region 
Lua :: roblox debounce 
Lua :: lua table is empty 
Lua :: lua metatable assignment 
Lua :: roblox tweenservice 
Lua :: for loop roblox 
Lua :: lua string to date 
Lua :: roblox studio pause physics 
Lua :: run a function in lua 
Lua :: awesomewm wibar configuration transparent 
Lua :: how to enable https service roblox 
Matlab :: streamline matlab 
Matlab :: matlab nxm array 
Basic :: freecodecamp basic algorithm scripting return largest numbers in arrays 
Elixir :: for loop in elixir 
Source link
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