

all sudo commands in ubuntu to be administrator

By  default,  only the user who installed the system is permitted to run sudo. To add more
       administrators, i. e. users who can run sudo, you have to add these  users  to  the  group
       'admin' by doing one of the following steps:

       * In a shell, do

           sudo adduser username admin

       * Use  the graphical "Users & Groups" program in the "System settings" menu to add the new
         user to the admin group.

Code Example
Shell :: git still traching .gradle files although adding it at .gitignore 
Shell :: fatal authentication failed for git psuh 
Shell :: batch script directory 
Shell :: windows power shell change file direatory 
Shell :: bash awk remove one specific column 
Shell :: adb install_failed_already_exists 
Shell :: Could not download aapt2-proto-4.1.0-alpha01-6193524.jar 
Shell :: rm bash 
Shell :: using rsync for file management especially for dealing with remotely devices 
Shell :: netcat find all devices 
Shell :: connect postgres and install pg_trgm and btree_gist 
Shell :: ffmpeg Sessiz ses üretin 
Shell :: The requested URL was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at 
Shell :: no of lines 
Shell :: force slack to close mac 
Shell :: anbox linux 
Shell :: heroku upgrade phobby basic$ 
Shell :: linux silence stderr 
Shell :: how mint nft works 
Shell :: laravel minify css 
Shell :: solr cloud cluster setup for windows 
Shell :: set mdp user ubuntu 
Shell :: How to remove multiple non empty directory in ubuntu 
Shell :: only migarte one table 
Shell :: mac osx find local mail attachments 
Shell :: remove docker completely orcal linx 
Shell :: bash numbering odd filename 
Shell :: java scrip loop array 
Shell :: shell command operator and seperator control characters 
Shell :: install netdiscover raspbian 
Source link
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