

clone the dev masters of the package git

Inside you composer.json add the following code

"require": { "behat/mink-selenium2-driver" : "dev-master" }
"minimum-stability": "dev"

################ OR ########################

Simply using the composer command : 

composer require --dev behat/mink-selenium2-driver:dev-master

Code Example
Shell :: script linux code 
Shell :: import kleur 
Shell :: windows mtesploit kali linux 
Shell :: how to pass docker hub credentials for helm values.yaml 
Shell :: install node in linux from tar 
Shell :: powerrshell adobject get all deleted 
Shell :: curl command to create a saved search for a user in splunk 
Shell :: git show files that are not tracked 
Shell :: applescript open in default browser 
Shell :: linux hide mouse pointer for touch 
Shell :: start cinnamon from command line redhat 7 
Shell :: fslmaths multiplication masking 
Shell :: shell redirect otpt to multiple files 
Shell :: sed interst lines to a file 
Shell :: vim cd cant use variables 
Shell :: get to the root directory /var/lib/docker we must access the docker virtual machine being used on our mac 
Shell :: mawk print file contents 
Shell :: fix errors occurred during update in linux 
Shell :: protect chrome passwords with a password in ubuntu 
Shell :: how to simultaneously originate to both users in fs 
Shell :: linix and 
Shell :: how to install numpy for aws sam local 
Shell :: django secrets 
Shell :: bash pdf merger on mac 
Shell :: windows 10 direct inbound port to another device 
Shell :: slack text substitution mac does not work 
Shell :: how to know tachyons version 
Shell :: video to gif ffmpeg palette 
Shell :: rm bash 
Shell :: gitlab with DNS name, if ssl certificate using at load balancer level please configure the gitlab with HTTP only 
Source link
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