

create local and remote branch

git checkout -b yourBranchName
git push -u origin yourBanchName

create new remote branch

git checkout -b <new-branch-name>	#Create new branch locally
git push <remote-name> <new-branch-name> #Create new branch remotely

create branch from remote branch

Updated for Git 2.23: For older versions, see the section at the end.

With One Remote
In both cases, start by fetching from the remote repository to make sure you have all the latest changes downloaded.

$ git fetch
This will fetch all of the remote branches for you. You can see the branches available for checkout with:

$ git branch -v -a

The branches that start with remotes/* can be thought of as read only copies of the remote branches. To work on a branch you need to create a local branch from it. This is done with the Git command switch (since Git 2.23) by giving it the name of the remote branch (minus the remote name):

$ git switch test
In this case Git is guessing (can be disabled with --no-guess) that you are trying to checkout and track the remote branch with the same name.

With Multiple Remotes
In the case where multiple remote repositories exist, the remote repository needs to be explicitly named.

As before, start by fetching the latest remote changes:

$ git fetch origin
This will fetch all of the remote branches for you. You can see the branches available for checkout with:

$ git branch -v -a
With the remote branches in hand, you now need to check out the branch you are interested in with -c to create a new local branch:

$ git switch -c test origin/test
For more information about using git switch:

$ man git-switch
I also created the image below for you to share the differences, look at how to fetch works, and also how it's different to pull:

enter image description here

Prior to Git 2.23
git switch was added in Git 2.23, prior to this git checkout was used to switch branches.

To checkout out with only a single remote repository:

git checkout test
if there there are multiple remote repositories configured it becomes a bit longer

git checkout -b test <name of remote>/test

How to createe git remote branch

git checkout -b <branch-name> # Create a new branch and check it out
git push <remote-name> <branch-name> 

create branch from remote branch

$ git switch -c test origin/test

create local git branch from remote

git checkout -b localName remoteName

create a new remote branch based on local

$ git push -u origin <branch-name>

Code Example
Shell :: how to run a .sh file 
Shell :: using locate search for the file 
Shell :: plt .show matplotlib remote vscode 
Shell :: upgrade package using pip 
Shell :: delete from git history 
Shell :: name stash 
Shell :: linux set environment 
Shell :: installing api platform 
Shell :: how to expose external ip in kubernetes 
Shell :: aircrack-ng install command 
Shell :: powershell delete empty folders 
Shell :: how to install nginx on centos 7 
Shell :: termux update 
Shell :: git config set email 
Shell :: wsl storage does not release 
Shell :: poetry add library 
Shell :: npm install 
Shell :: NGINX systemd service file 
Shell :: how to chanbge port number on centos8 
Shell :: change branch git 
Shell :: run mongo cli 
Shell :: command line of linux os 
Shell :: git log --oneline 
Shell :: powershell help 
Shell :: add and install gem rails 
Shell :: rebase branch github 
Shell :: docker compose volumes 
Shell :: delete file with cmd 
Shell :: url_launcher 
Shell :: github new repository 
Source link
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