

remove git from git history

Remove .git folder inside of untracked submodule.
Run git rm --cached path-to-folder
git add . in parent or root folder and you are good to go

how to remove git commit history

# Clone the project, e.g. `myproject` is my project repository:
git clone https://github/heiswayi/myproject.git

# Since all of the commits history are in the `.git` folder, we have to remove it:
cd myproject

# And delete the `.git` folder:
git rm -rf .git

# Now, re-initialize the repository:
git init
git remote add origin
git remote -v

# Add all the files and commit the changes:
git add --all
git commit -am "Initial commit"

# Force push update to the master branch of our project repository:
git push -f origin master

git remove from history

$ git rm --cached giant_file
# Stage our giant file for removal, but leave it on disk
$ git commit --amend -CHEAD
# Amend the previous commit with your change
# Simply making a new commit won't work, as you need
# to remove the file from the unpushed history as well

git delete commit history

Deleting the .git folder may cause problems in your git repository. If you want to delete all your commit history but keep the code in its current state, it is very safe to do it as in the following:

1. Checkout

git checkout --orphan latest_branch

2. Add all the files

git add -A

3. Commit the changes

git commit -am "commit message"

4. Delete the branch

git branch -D main

5. Rename the current branch to main

git branch -m main

6. Finally, force update your repository

git push -f origin main

PS: this will not keep your old commit history around

delete from git history

git filter-branch --index-filter 
    'git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch path_to_file' HEAD

git delete commit from history

git reset --hard ABC
git push --force
# Go back to specified commit and delete every commit forward

Code Example
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Source link
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