

diskpart create partition

# Follow the steps below to create a partition on your HDD or SSD
# Open Command Prompt
# type this and hit enter:

# wait a few seconds until DISKPART prompt opens.
# now type this and hit enter:
list disk

# command prompt will show you a list of all hard drives (or SSD)
# installed in your computer.
# select the disk you want to create a partition in it.
# in this case will select "disk 0"
# type:
select disk 0
# hit enter.
# now well create a partition of for example 20GB size
# type and hit enter again:
create oartition primary size=20000
# note if you dont set size then all available space on the disk will 
# be used for the partition.

# now we need to assign a letter to it. like E or F or G or anything you want.
# in this case we'll assign letter D to the partition.
assign letter=D

# Done, now you can exit

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