

flutter doctor android licenses exception in thread main java.lang.noclassdeffounderror

# ANdroid Studio: Install Android SDK Command-line Tools:
> Tools > SDK Manager > Appareance & Behavior > System Setting> Android SDK
	> SDK Tools > Android SDK Command-line Tools (apply)

flutter doctor --android-licenses
flutter doctor -v

Code Example
Shell :: latex markdown github 
Shell :: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied) 
Shell :: change sshd config 
Shell :: Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs 
Shell :: stop all running instances of tmux 
Shell :: fayl yaratish cmd 
Shell :: mdi 5.6.55 
Shell :: lua to tns 
Shell :: move huge number of files from local to hdfs 
Shell :: bitcoin miner for mac cli 
Shell :: rabbitmq create user 
Shell :: zipalign: command not found mac 
Shell :: date linux minus 1 day 
Shell :: how to change date of file in linux 
Shell :: cloning kali-anonsurf in linux 
Shell :: how to check the version of vue-router you are using with yarn 
Shell :: how to remove first line from output using awk 
Shell :: how to commit single / multiple file in git 
Shell :: tar extract to path 
Shell :: use nvm to install latest node 
Shell :: git show only merge commits 
Shell :: ngxcountup 
Shell :: search all folders for file match linux 
Shell :: angular cli install ubuntu 
Shell :: fix no wifi adapter found ubuntu 20.04 
Shell :: install jq windows 
Shell :: extract video title from youtube playlist 
Shell :: wsl folder linux windows access 
Shell :: Install Sublime in Linux (Stable) 
Shell :: how to remove a file inside jar file in linux 
Source link
4+7 =