

how to change permissions on a file in linux

sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx /file/path

linux change permission

permission = read(4) + write(2) + execute(1)

===== CHMOD ===== ( change permission for file )
chmod [permissions] file
(u)ser, (g)roup, (o)ther, (a)ll
(r)ead, (w)rite, (e)xecute
(+) add permission, (-) remove permission, (=) set permission

chmod o+rwx file # add rwx for other
chmod o=rw file  # set rw for other
chmod og-x file  # remove x from other and group
chmod a+r file   # everyone can read

# Numeric
chmod 724 file # owner=everything, group=writing, other=reading
first number is for owner of file, 
second for group of owner,
third for everyone

===== OTHER =====
ls -l [path]

---------- # file
d--------- # directory

-rwx------ # owner
----rwx--- # group
-------rwx # other

change file permission linux

chmod +x <fileName> # add execute permission to that file (.x.x.x) 
chmod +r <fileName> # add read permission to a file
chmod +w <fileName> # add write permission to the file

chmod u+x <fileName> #add execute permission to owner of the file

chmod 400 <fileName> # set file only read permission to owner

Code Example
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Source link
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