service worker is javascript file that run every time.It keeps running even you
close the browser.Due to this we can send push notification,offline mode.
//Register our service worker in index.html
if('serviceWorker' in navigator){
window.addEventListener('load', ()=> {
//registering of serviceWorker.
.then((reg)=> console.log("Success:", reg.scope));
.catch((err)=> console.log("Failure: ", err));
everything ok then we will see Sucess: localhost:3000 in console of browser
//Step 1: Publish the Worker service
cd "Path to the Worker service project"
dotnet restore
dotnet publish -o PathToThePublishFolder
//Step 2: Deploy and start with sc utility
sc.exe create DemoWorker binpath= PathToThePublishFolderYourWorkerClassName.exe
sc.exe start YourWorkerClassName
//Step 3: Stop and delete with sc utility
sc.exe stop YourWorkerClassName
sc.exe delete YourWorkerClassName
const filter = {
url: [
urlMatches: '',
chrome.webNavigation.onCompleted.addListener(() => {"The user has loaded my favorite website!");
}, filter);