

how to install very good cli for flutter

dart pub global activate very_good_cli

How to install very_good_cli in flutter

$ dart pub global activate very_good_cli

How to use very_good_cli in flutter

# Create a new Flutter app named my_app
very_good create my_app --desc "My new Flutter app"

# Create a new Flutter app named my_app with a custom org
very_good create my_app --desc "My new Flutter app" --org ""

# Create a new Flutter package named my_flutter_package
very_good create my_flutter_package -t flutter_pkg --desc "My new Flutter package"

# Create a new Dart package named my_dart_package
very_good create my_dart_package -t dart_pkg --desc "My new Dart package"

# Create a new Flutter plugin named my_flutter_plugin (all platforms enabled)
very_good create my_flutter_plugin -t flutter_plugin --desc "My new Flutter plugin"

# Create a new Flutter plugin named my_flutter_plugin (some platforms disabled)
very_good create my_flutter_plugin -t flutter_plugin --desc "My new Flutter plugin" --windows false --macos false --linux false

How to get packages with very_good_cli in flutter

# Install packages in the current directory
very_good packages get

# Install packages in ./some/other/directory
very_good packages get ./some/other/directory

# Install packages recursively
very_good packages get --recursive

# Install packages recursively (shorthand)
very_good packages get -r

Code Example
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Source link
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