

remove app ubuntu terminal

sudo apt-get remove --purge <app name>

how to uninstall app from terminal ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get remove --purge <app name>

Uninstall Applications in ubuntu through the Command Line

# The apt-get remove command removes a software from your system but keeps the 
# configuration files and any plugins and settings that you might have installed later. 
# This helps in keeping the same settings when you want to reinstall the software.

# Run the following command as sudo in order to remove a software;
	==> sudo apt-get remove package-name
# The apt-get remove command removes a software from your system but keeps the 
# configuration files and any plugins and settings that you might have installed later.
# This helps in keeping the same settings when you want to reinstall the software.

# Run the following command as sudo in order to remove a software;
	==> sudo apt-get purge package-name

// With love @kouqhar

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