

what is curl

cURL, which stands for client URL, is a command line tool that developers 
use to transfer data to and from a server. At the most fundamental, 
cURL lets you talk to a server by specifying the location (in the form of a URL)
and the data you want to send. cURL supports several different protocols, 
including HTTP and HTTPS, and runs on almost every platform. This makes cURL 
ideal for testing communication from almost any device (as long as it has a 
command line and network connectivity) from a local server to most edge devices.

The most basic command in curl is curl The curl command is 
followed by the URL, from which we would like to retrieve some kind of data. 
In this case, it would return the html source for

what is curl

curl is a command line client to send request and
get respond from command line, so it's basically 
it's just way to send a request and response. Where you
send it we call it client. But with postman we can do more
than just sending request end respond.
This tool is preferred for automation, 
since it is designed to work without user interaction.
curl can transfer multiple file at once.

Code Example
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