while true ;do
[ -x "$(which ${DIALOG%% *})" ] || DIALOG=dialog
DIALOG=$($DIALOG --menu "Which tool for next run?" 20 60 12 2>&1
whiptail "dialog boxes from shell scripts" >/dev/tty
dialog "dialog boxes from shell with ncurses"
gdialog "dialog boxes from shell with Gtk"
kdialog "dialog boxes from shell with Kde" ) || exit
clear;echo "Choosed: $DIALOG."
for i in `seq 1 100`;do
date +"`printf "XXX
%%a %%b %%T progress: %d
" $i $i`"
sleep .0125
done | $DIALOG --gauge "Filling the tank" 20 60 0
$DIALOG --infobox "This is a simple info box
No action required" 20 60
sleep 3
if $DIALOG --yesno "Do you like this demo?" 20 60 ;then
AnsYesNo=Yes; else AnsYesNo=No; fi
AnsInput=$($DIALOG --inputbox "A text:" 20 60 "Text here..." 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
AnsPass=$($DIALOG --passwordbox "A secret:" 20 60 "First..." 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
$DIALOG --textbox /etc/motd 20 60
AnsCkLst=$($DIALOG --checklist "Check some..." 20 60 12
Correct "This demo is useful" off
Fun "This demo is nice" off
Strong "This demo is complex" on 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
AnsRadio=$($DIALOG --radiolist "I will:" 20 60 12
" -1" "Downgrade this answer" off
" 0" "Not do anything" on
" +1" "Upgrade this anser" off 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
out="Your answers:
Like: $AnsYesNo
Input: $AnsInput
Secret: $AnsPass"
$DIALOG --msgbox "$out
Attribs: $AnsCkLst
Note: $AnsRadio" 20 60
Code Example |
:: arangodb arangodump backup |
:: --force-badname |
:: |
Shell :: fsck fat32 partition |
:: digital bootcamps in gauteng |
:: linux df -h levels occupy |
Shell :: calcul md5 fichier linux |
:: |
Shell :: start a local SMTP debugging server in linux |
:: |
:: bash create jks from cert and key |
Shell :: converter mp3 para kali linux |
Shell :: |
Shell :: Disable all git advice |
Shell :: flatpak list themes |
:: check if internet is available shell script |
Shell :: command line unzip linux sudo apt-get install unzip |
:: |
Shell :: |
:: jq delete variable |
Shell :: install specific version of npm package sandbox |
:: linux directory structure |
:: conda install sox |
Shell :: |
Shell :: team modify preffix minecraft 1.18 |
:: |
Shell :: set mdp user ubuntu |
:: rename a file in terminal linux |
:: Edit remote files with Vim on Linux |
Shell :: put files in every subfolder in powershell |