

psql initialization

psql -U postgres

# Postgres "psql not recognized as an internal or external command"

# Just an update because I was trying it on Windows 10 you do need to set the 
# path to the following: 
# ;C:Program FilesPostgreSQL9.5in ;C:Program FilesPostgreSQL9.5lib

# You can do that either through the CMD by using set PATH [the path] or from my
# computer => properties => advanced system settings 
# => Environment Variables => System Variables

# Then search for path.

# Important: don't replace the PATHs that are already there just add one 
# beside them as follows 
# ;C:Program FilesPostgreSQL9.5in ;C:Program FilesPostgreSQL9.5lib

# Please note: On windows 10, if you follow this: 
# computer => properties => advanced system settings 
# => Environment Variables => System Variables> select PATH, 
# you actually get the option to add new row. Click Edit, add 
# the /bin and /lib folder locations and save changes.

# Then close your command prompt if it's open and then start it again 
# try psql --version If it gives you an answer then you are good to go if 
# not try echo %PATH% and see if the path you set was added or not and if 
# it's added is it added correctly or not.

psql -U postgres
# enter your password and you are in

Code Example
Sql :: sql select where id not exists in another table 
Sql :: keys in sql with example 
Sql :: mysql join column order By and group By 
Sql :: codeigniter dbforge add index 
Sql :: sql not exists 
Sql :: date on sql 
Sql :: sqlalchemy default value for column 
Sql :: Create parameterized VIEW in SQL Server 
Sql :: merge command in sql 
Sql :: copy data from one database to another 
Sql :: sql into 
Sql :: MySql query execution order: 
Sql :: open cursors in oracle 
Sql :: pl sql command line run 
Sql :: can you put a break command in sql 
Sql :: Insufficient memory to excute the sql query 
Sql :: mariadb check constraint example? 
Sql :: how to use join with 3 tables in sql server 
Sql :: oracle job session 
Sql :: create database with hyphen sign mysql 
Sql :: how to output a different column name in mysql 
Sql :: right join 
Sql :: mysql replace empty string with null 
Sql :: create domain sql 
Sql :: what is between operator 
Sql :: is not null sql 
Sql :: order by in sql 
Sql :: TITLE: SQL Server principal "dbo" does not exist 
Sql :: ring execute query then print the query result. 
Sql :: mysql command line top 10 
Source link
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