//to create a tableCREATETABLE students
( student_id number(4)primarykey,
last_name varchar2(30)NOTNULL,
course_id number(4)NULL);//to insert valueINSERTINTO students VALUES(200,'Jones',101);INSERTINTO students VALUES(201,'Smith',101);INSERTINTO students VALUE(202,'Lee',102);
#create a table and name itCREATETABLE test_name(#create some vars in the table like id, name, age and etc.
age FLOATNOTNULLPRIMARYKEY(id)#define the primary key of the table(primary key is a var that will never be the same in each column in the table it will be "unique" rise up for each column);
Creates a new table.
Example: Creates a new table called ‘users’ in the ‘websitesetup’ database.CREATETABLE users (
id int,
first_name varchar(255),
surname varchar(255),
address varchar(255),
contact_number int);