python loop through dictionary
dictionary = { 52 : "E" , 126 : "A" , 134 : "B" , 188 : "C" , 189 : "D" }
for key, value in dictionary. items ( ) :
print ( key)
print ( value)
python iterate through dictionary
a_dict = { 'apple': 'red', 'grass': 'green', 'sky': 'blue'}
for key in a_dict:
print key # for the keys
print a_dict[ key] # for the values
dict iterate to
Python dictionary[ a type of mapping data type] iterates only keys ( )
python loop through dictionary
new_list = [ something ( key, value) for key, value in a_dict. items ( ) ]
python loop through dictionary
d = { 'x': 1 , 'y': 2 , 'z': 3 }
for key in d:
print key, 'corresponds to', d[ key]
Iterating Through Dictionaries with For Loops
Titanic_cast = {
"Leonardo DiCaprio" : "Jack Dawson" ,
"Kate Winslet" : "Rose Dewitt Bukater" ,
"Billy Zane" : "Cal Hockley" ,
print ( "Iterating through keys:" )
for key in Titanic_cast :
print ( key)
print ( "
Iterating through keys and values: ")
for key, value in Titanic_cast . items ( ) :
print ( "Actor/ Actress: {} Role: {}" . format ( key, value) )
# output -
# Iterating through keys:
# Billy Zane
# Leonardo DiCaprio
# Kate Winslet
# Iterating through keys and values:
# Actor / Actress : Billy Zane Role : Cal Hockley
# Actor / Actress : Leonardo DiCaprio Role : Jack Dawson
# Actor / Actress : Kate Winslet Role : Rose Dewitt Bukater
looping over dictionary python
python = {
"year released" : 2001 ,
"creater" : "Guido Van Rossum"
for x in python. values ( ) :
print ( x)
for loop items dictionary in python
jjj = { 'chuck': 1 , 'fred': 42 , 'jan': 100 }
# If you want only the keys
for key in jjj:
print ( key)
# if you want only the values
for key in jjj:
print ( jjj[ key] )
# if you want both keys and values with items
# Using the above you can get either key or value separately if you want
for key, value in jjj. items ( ) :
print ( key, value)
python loop dictionary
for key, value in d. items ( ) :
Iteration over dictionary
{ %- for drink_attribute, ingredient in drink. items ( )
if drink_attribute. startswith ( 'strIngredient') and ingredient
% }
< td> { { ingredient } } </ td>
{ %- endfor % }
Iteration over dictionary
< dl>
{ % for key, value in my_dict. items ( ) % }
< dt> { { key| e } } </ dt>
< dd> { { value| e } } </ dd>
{ % endfor % }
</ dl>
Iteration over dictionary
< table>
< tbodby>
{ % for drink in drinks % }
< tr>
< td> { { drink. idDrink } } </ td>
< td> { { drink. strDrink } } </ td>
< td> { { drink. strCategory } } </ td>
< td> { { drink. strGlass } } </ td>
< td> { { drink. strInstructions } } </ td>
{ %- for drink_attribute, ingredient in drink. items ( )
if drink_attribute. startswith ( 'strIngredient') and ingredient
% }
< td> { { ingredient } } </ td>
{ %- endfor % }
</ tr>
{ % endfor % }
< tbody>
< table>
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