

facade design pattern typescript

interface Store {
  product(name: string): string
  category(): string

class Minuman implements Store {
   product(name: string): string {
      return name
   category(): string {
      return 'minuman'

class Makanan implements Store {   
   product(name: string): string {
      return name
   category(): string {
     return 'makanan'

class StoreFaced {
  public minuman: InstanceType<typeof Minuman>
  public makanan: InstanceType<typeof Makanan>
  constructor() {
    this.minuman = new Minuman()
    this.makanan = new Makanan()
  storeMinuman(name: string): string {
    return this.minuman.product(name)
  storeMakanan(name: string): string {
    return this.makanan.product(name)

const res = new StoreFaced()
console.log(`product name: ${res.storeMinuman("cola cola")} and product category ${res.minuman.category()}`)
console.log(`product name: ${res.storeMakanan("biskuat")} and product category ${res.makanan.category()}`)

ts Facade pattern

The Facade pattern is a design pattern lets you define a simple unified interface 
to a large body of code .

imagine you want to make a car and you want to make it with a engine, 
transmission, and wheels.

First you need to make a car class:
class Car {
  public makeCar() {
    console.log('Making a car...');

// Then you make a facade class that will make the car with an engine, transmission, and wheels and abstract the process from the user
class CarFacade {
  constructor(private car: Car) {}

  public makeCar() {;

  private makeEngine() {
    console.log('Making engine...');

  private makeTransmission() {
    console.log('Making transmission...');

  private makeWheels() {
    console.log('Making wheels...');

// Then you make your car:
const car = new CarFacade(new Car());

ts Facade pattern

The Proxy design pattern is a design pattern lets you provide a surrogate 
or placeholder object for another object to control access to it.

For example imagine you want to give students access to a 
library but you don't want them to be able to access the library directly.

First you need to make a library class:
class Library {
  public getBooks() {
    console.log('Getting books...');

// Then you make a proxy class that will give students access to the library:
class LibraryProxy {
  constructor(private library: Library) {}

  public getBooks() {

// Then you make your library:
const library = new LibraryProxy(new Library());

Code Example
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