

test coverage techniques

1-Statement Coverage: 
It verifies that each line of source 
code has been executed and tested
2-Decision Coverage: It ensures that
every decision in the source code is executed and tested
3-Path Coverage: It ensures that every possible
route through a given part of the 
code is executed and tested

Code Example
Typescript :: comments tsconfig.json 
Typescript :: nuxt 3 nuxtServerInit 
Typescript :: styled components gatsby 
Typescript :: typescript generic type 
Typescript :: how to take inputs in one line in c 
Typescript :: mongodb nest.js 
Typescript :: babel typescript 
Typescript :: typescript 
Typescript :: ts Facade pattern 
Typescript :: google sheets k format 
Typescript :: copy all elements from one list to another ajav 
Typescript :: bootstrap get elements id 
Typescript :: rust typedef 
Typescript :: three requirements for laser action 
Typescript :: Let say your Project Manager tell you that your database requests are consume a lot of memory, you need to do something to improve the performance. How would you do it in hibernate ? 
Typescript :: typescript class import csv file 
Typescript :: detect incomming bullet from socket 
Typescript :: kotlin version that is used for building with gradle 
Typescript :: how to use typescript map 
Typescript :: method swap to the Pair class of that swaps the first and second elements value of the pair in generic Pair class in java 
Typescript :: does photons travel with suitcases? 
Typescript :: mergensherts meaning 
Typescript :: exclude redults after theninclude 
Typescript :: google clear list of accounts from chrome 
Typescript :: language 
Typescript :: dynamic index in typescript 
Typescript :: sprockets cannot load such file sass 
Typescript :: nest js decorator 
Typescript :: four basic components that information system consists of 
Typescript :: typescript make every property of an object nullable 
Source link
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