

test strategy vs test plan

Test strategy is a set of instructions 
which explain the test design  and determine
how the test should be performed.
Test strategy has the essential objectives of
what approach to take and which module to check.

Test plan is a document for a software project
which has the approach, scope
on the work of software testing.
Also A test plan has the essential objective of
how to test, when to test 
and who will confirm it.

Code Example
Typescript :: create a typescript project 
Typescript :: angular closest element 
Typescript :: @react-navigation/native route typescript 
Typescript :: gradients colors in android 
Typescript :: how to get index of duplicate elements in list python 
Typescript :: array contains typescript 
Typescript :: Extract and Exclude type TypeScript 
Typescript :: communication between components in angular 
Typescript :: where are screenshots stored steam 
Typescript :: how to check if elements dont exist in testing library 
Typescript :: godot preload 
Typescript :: eslint airbnb react typescript 
Typescript :: To list all tcp ports. 
Typescript :: typescript key values interface key from enum 
Typescript :: how to check is null or empty in typescript 
Typescript :: unity get list of all gameobjects with tag 
Typescript :: write a C proogram to find the roots of quadratic equation 
Typescript :: 2 decimal points react native 
Typescript :: add class to element angular in ts 
Typescript :: typescript webpack node 
Typescript :: class-transformer default value 
Typescript :: adding two lists using lambda function 
Typescript :: how to get value from observable 
Typescript :: how to check if key exists in Newtonsoft.Json object c# 
Typescript :: git delete commits from remote 
Typescript :: how to sort a list of lists in python 
Typescript :: input type file in html events angular 
Typescript :: Create Type from String Enum 
Typescript :: multiple where statements sql 
Typescript :: hide form field 
Source link
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