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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " น้ำแข็งเปล่า " คือ ...

Thai : น้ำแข็งเปล่า (n̂ảk̄hæ̆ng pel̀ā)
Chinese : 空冰 (kōng bīng)

English : ice water

Example :: ice water

Chinese : 慢慢地我也喜欢上了桑拿的蒸汽,但尽管从那以后我又去了几次芬兰,也越来越喜欢那里,却从没泡过那洞里的冰水。
English : In time I came to enjoy the hot steam of the sauna, but despite my growing love for Finland during several trips since, I could never get into the ice water.

Chinese : 所以,喝水可以,但除非你喜欢,否则没有必要喝冰水。
English : So, drink water, but only ice water if you like it.

Chinese : 我已经教了这么长时间书,所以我知道在课堂上讲推导,就好像泼冰水一样,所以我在讲这个的时候很小心。
English : I've been teaching long enough to know that doing derivations in class is equivalent to pouring ice water on the proceedings, so I do this sparingly.

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