

1. Create a temp string and store concatenation of str1 to
       str1 in temp.
                          temp = str1.str1
    2. If str2 is a substring of temp then str1 and str2 are 
       rotations of each other.

                     str1 = "ABACD"
                     str2 = "CDABA"

     temp = str1.str1 = "ABACDABACD"
     Since str2 is a substring of temp, str1 and str2 are 
     rotations of each other.

// C++ program to check if two given strings
// are rotations of  each other
# include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
/* Function checks if passed strings (str1
   and str2) are rotations of each other */
bool areRotations(string str1, string str2)
   /* Check if sizes of two strings are same */
   if (str1.length() != str2.length())
        return false;
   string temp = str1 + str1;
  return (temp.find(str2) != string::npos);
/* Driver program to test areRotations */
int main()
   string str1 = "AACD", str2 = "ACDA";
   if (areRotations(str1, str2))
     printf("Strings are rotations of each other");
      printf("Strings are not rotations of each other");
   return 0;

Code Example
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