Vuetify Default Theme:
primary: '#1976D2',
secondary: '#424242',
accent: '#82B1FF',
error: '#FF5252',
info: '#2196F3',
success: '#4CAF50',
warning: '#FFC107',
Primary. #0275d8. Success. #5cb85c. Info. #5bc0de. Warning. #f0ad4e
Code Example |
Css :: how to chose tailwindcss while creating larevel project |
Css :: customize scroll bar css |
Css :: block elements css |
Css :: css create sidebar |
Css :: button click css style |
Css :: css scroll fixed content |
Css :: css background gradient |
Css :: remove materialize style input |
Css :: animation left to right css |
Css :: radial-gradient css |
Css :: css responsive image |
Css :: elementor ccs code for gradient |
Css :: how to make bold text css |
Css :: variables scss |
Css :: round the value of 2 decimals in java |
Css :: how to draw rhombus in css |
Css :: css change multiple classes |
Css :: css materialize |
Css :: line icon |
Css :: Button CSS normal active hover |
Css :: execution timeout expired the timeout |
Css :: sass scale color |
Css :: table with vertical lines in angular |
Css :: transition for css |
Css :: how to saturate colors in css |
Css :: trim background image css |
Css :: Sass @mixin and @include |
Css :: css ripple effect |
Css :: get scrollbar width css |
Css :: animation not hover out |