

python docstring

def function(a: int, b: str, c = True) -> bool:

        a (int): _description_
        b (str): _description_
        c (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True.

        bool: _description_
    if a == c:
        return True
        return False

docstring example python

# Copy this into your editor and view the docstring, edit as needed.
# (In pycharm, hover over "def my_function" with your mouse cursor)
def my_function(var1: str, var2: bool) -> str:
    This is example text where you would write what your function does.

    The function has been type hinted: param 1 is expected to be a string, param 2 a bool, and it returns a string.
    You should be able to see these hints highlighted in blue in pycharm

    :param var1: description of what the first parameter does goes here.
    :param var2: description of what the second parameter does goes here.
    :returns: description of what the function will return.
    :raises ValueError: this function has code that raises a ValueError
    :raises LookupError: this function has code that raises a LookupError
    :raises TypeError: this function has code that raises a TypeError
    # your code here
    return var1 + str(var2)

python function docstring

def functionName():
    This is a function docstring

docstrings in python

# Docstrings are used create your own Documentation for a function or for a class
# we are going to write a function that akes a name and returns it as a title.
def titled_name(name):
  # the following sting is Docstring
  """This function takes name and returns it in a title case or in other
  words it will make every first letter of a word Capitalized"""
  return f"{name}".title()

Python Docstrings Example

Python Docstrings Example
def Add(a,b):
    '''Takes two number as input and returns sum of 2 numbers'''
    return a+b

python get function docstring


docstring in python

"""The module's docstring"""

class MyClass:
    """The class's docstring"""

    def my_method(self):
        """The method's docstring"""

def my_function():
    """The function's docstring"""

python docstring

def complex(real=0.0, imag=0.0):
    """Form a complex number

        real (float, optional): The real part. Defaults to 0.0.
        imag (float, optional): The imaginary part. Defaults to 0.0.
    if imag == 0.0 and real == 0.0:
        return complex_zero

python docstring use

def function1():
   :docstring- tells about program,what the program contains

docstring python

this is a docstring not a multiline comment
and this can be shown in output or not
# mutiline comment
# is like
# that
# and this can not be shown cause it is a comment

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