

sample datafra,e PYTHON

# divide your data by 2 
df.sample(frac=0.5, replace=True, random_state=1)

sample data frame in python

import pandas as pd
sentence = 'The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.'
words = sentence.split(' ')
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'key': range(len(words)),
                     'column1_Words': words,
                     'column2_Length': [len(x) for x in words]
>>> df1
   key column1_Words  column2_Length
0    0           The               3
1    1         quick               5
2    2         brown               5
3    3           fox               3
4    4         jumps               5
5    5          over               4
6    6             a               1
7    7          lazy               4
8    8          dog.               4

pandas create sample dataframe

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> sentence = 'The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.'
>>> words = sentence.split(' ')
>>> df1 = pd.DataFrame({'key': range(len(words)),
...                     'column1_Words': words,
...                     'column2_Length': [len(x) for x in words]
...                     })
>>> df1
   key column1_Words  column2_Length
0    0           The               3
1    1         quick               5
2    2         brown               5
3    3           fox               3
4    4         jumps               5
5    5          over               4
6    6             a               1
7    7          lazy               4
8    8          dog.               4

Code Example
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Python :: series.Series to dataframe 
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Python :: numpy initialize 2d array 
Python :: pandas export csv without index 
Python :: python sort two key 
Python :: python sorted dictionary multiple keys 
Python :: how to get input python 
Python :: tkinter text blurry 
Source link
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