

c# get first 5 characters of string

string result = str.Substring(0,5);

first character of a string c#

string str = "youtube";
char firstCharacter = str[0];

how to get first char of a string c#

string str = "ararara";
string str1 = str.Substring(0,1); // returns string so [a]
char str2 = str[0]; // This uses the String.Chars indexer, returns 'a'
char str3 = str.First(); // returns first character 'a' same as [0]

Console.WriteLine("str.Substring(0,1) {0}
str[0] {1}
str.FirstOrDefault() {2}", str1,str2,str3);

c# get the first 4 characters in the list

            //get the 4 characters from the List of string
           // first convert the list into a string
            string result = string.Join("", lstData.ToArray());
          // now you can use the substring function
            var finalResult = result.Substring(0, 4);

Code Example
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Source link
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